Innovative International Student Support Programming

Innovative Practices Helping International Faculty Understand U.S. Students

Institution Program Details
Carnegie Mellon University

Consultations for International Faculty to Develop Language/or Understanding of US Classroom Culture

  • Provides help and advice to international faculty who wants to improve the clarity of their language or to better understand the classroom culture in the United States.
Harvard University

Teaching in America: A Guide for International Faculty

  • For many international faculty, the greatest challenge is not the English language, but understanding the expectations of American students and the culture of the American college classroom. Teaching in America offers insights from more than 20 experienced international faculty members and teaching assistants at Harvard. Interviews and classroom sessions cover topics including breaking down cultural barriers, dealing with language problems, keeping discussions lively, and responding to student concerns.
  • The goal of Teaching in America is to speed up the process of feeling at home in the American classroom by offering advice and inspiration from those who have successfully met this challenge.
  • Click here to watch the video of Teaching in America: A Guide for International Faculty
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

International Faculty and Scholar Handbook

  • Published by the International Student/Scholar Office (ISSO), addresses general concerns you might have, and directs you to some specific University and community services which you are likely to need. The handbook supplements other university publications and is intended to serve as a reference source specifically for international faculty and scholars.
University of Washington

NEXT: Narratives supporting Excellent Teaching

  • Provides a story and experiences of Dr. Hiroshi Kanda on how he adjusted to the American academic culture and its students. It also provides resources and strategies to help international educators relate to American students as well as guide them in teaching a diverse audience.
Vanderbilt University

International Teaching Assistants Guide

  • Faculty and graduate student teaching assistants from different parts of the world often find much that is unexpected when they teach in an U.S. classroom. Teaching in U.S. universities (and at Vanderbilt, in particular) can be quite different from teaching in other countries, especially in terms of expectations for both teachers and students. Understanding these differences can help us to improve our teaching and prevent misunderstandings in the classroom.

We would appreciate your feedback. We would like to hear from you about any programs you've developed to help support the orientation and integration of international students on your campus as well as others you've seen as positive models at other institutions! Please provide that information to us at