Innovative International Student Support Programming

Innovations in Academic Integrity & Plagiarism Issues

Institution Program Details
Cornell University

A Guide to Academic Integrity

  • As an International Student at Cornell University you need to make sure that you have a clear understanding of the code of Academic Integrity and how this code will apply to your studies.
North Carolina State University

Academic Expectations

  • Most universities in the US have explicit standards regarding student academic behavior and personal behavior. It is very important that international students familiarize themselves with the standards for academic integrity and student conduct. Often, international students may not be aware that the standards are so strict and can affect their immigration status.
  • For many international students, adjusting to the rigorous educational and cultural standards of an American university is among the greatest and most rewarding challenges of studying in the US. It is these very standards for original research and giving and receiving proper credit which make US institutions of higher education among the best and most rigorous in the world.
  • Click here to watch the video of Dr. Orlando Rojas as he talks about Academic Integrity
Oregon State University

Academic Integrity

  • Standards regarding academic misconduct are not universal. US interpretations of academic misconduct have been shaped through our culture and courts. To ensure that everyone in the class is aware of your expectations and is equipped to fulfill them, explicitly outline your expectations in the syllabus, on the first day of class and when you introduce assignments where academic misconduct may be an issue. Providing specific examples of what is and is not acceptable helps students reflect on real situations and map them against their own cultural background and norms.
  • You can also direct your students to an online guide, "Academic Integrity for Students: Sources for Students to Help Combat Plagiarism" created by OSU Libraries, Technology Across the Curriculum (TAC), and the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
  • Student Conduct and Community Standards has worked with International Student Advising and Services to translate their Student Information Guide into Arabic and Chinese.
  • There is also an academic integrity guide for instructors that includes definitions.
University of California at Berkeley

Academic Integrity Resources

University of Michigan

U-M Issues in Academic Integrity

  • All University of Michigan students are personally responsible for educating themselves about plagiarism. For international students, there may also be immigration status consequences in addition to the academic ones. The expectations regarding citations, or collaborative work may differ from nation to nation and may be described differently or may not be specified.
University of South Carolina

Academic Integrity Module

We would appreciate your feedback. We would like to hear from you about any programs you've developed to help support the orientation and integration of international students on your campus as well as others you've seen as positive models at other institutions! Please provide that information to us at