We promote this type of learning by collaborating with colleges, universities and other organizations around the world.

About Conducting Program Health and Safety Audit
Policy Information:The purpose of the SAFETI Audit Checklist is to provide a list of health and safety and study abroad issues that an administrator can use as a guide to look at the current policies and procedures at their institution. As issues of health and safety have become of greater importance in study abroad, the safety audit has been looked at as one way of reviewing study abroad programs to focus on health and safety issues.
As there are thousands of colleges and universities in the United States and around the world, there is no one way to effectively support all students on all programs. The SAFETI Audit Checklist is provided to give faculty and administrators a set of issues with which to start. The checklist is linked to the SAFETI Internet Resource Links which provide background information about each item and samples of policies and procedures from other study abroad programs as well as useful World Wide Web Links.
To respond to health and safety issues, some institutions have published their safety audit findings on the World Wide Web.
Sample Forms: Web Links: