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About Evacuation
Policy Information:Medical evacuation insurance covers a need for transportation to an appropriate medical facility. This may be a facility in a country abroad or a facility in the United States. A medical evacuation is usually deemed a “worst-case scenario” and includes special medical attention such as a full medical team from abroad or from the United States. Medical evacuation can cost upwards of $50,000, or even exceed $100,000 in some cases. Students need to know how much coverage their evacuation insurance includes.
In the case of medical evacuation, there are times when an insurance company may disagree with a student, parent, or study abroad professional on where appropriate care can be found. Therefore, a person in need of medical evacuation may desire a second option from another medical specialist abroad or in the United States. In order to make an effective case to an insurance company, it can become important to have medical contacts that can give you advice and consultation on where medical care should take place.
It is important to note that evacuation insurance only includes transportation care costs, not the cost of actual major medical care once a student arrives at a medical facility.
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