Information for
Students and Parents
"Study abroad was unlike anything that I had expected. Initially, I was ready for a year of ethnic food and dancing. However, after arriving in Argentina, I soon found out that there was a lot more to it. I learned so much that year. Not just a language and a culture, but also about myself and my own culture. I learned to appreciate so many things that I took for granted. I learned life lessons and developed my career interests that I will take with me for the rest of my life. My year in Argentina was a very enlightening experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything." |
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Daniel Brown
Student Body President
Moorpark College
How? Where?
California's two- and four-year colleges and universities, both public and independent, offer outstanding opportunities for you to study abroad. Opportunities are available worldwide.
What's the cost?
Typically, you will pay fees that are similar to what you would pay to remain in California for the term or year. For most programs, your financial aid can be applied to study abroad. In some cases the cost to study abroad is actually less than the cost to study in California.
Will I get college credit?
Characteristically, you continue to earn home university credit and progress toward graduation.
Begin now!
Now is the best time to begin planning for your time abroad. Find out about study abroad programs when you choose a California college or university. Many programs have GPA, foreign language, and class standing prerequisites. For more information on these programs, click on the link to the left which is most applicable to your current student status.
Study Abroad Resources
California Study Abroad Flyer
California Study Abroad Flash
General Study Abroad Resource
Study Abroad Fair Information
Study Abroad Office Links
"Own what you can always carry with you; know languages, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your bag."
A. Solzhenitsyn