Albright, Madeleine K. Former Secretary of State Department of State
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“…people who understand and know each other better are less likely to hate and attack each other. And that requires a certain faith in human character, a faith without which no human progress could be achieved. “
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Beers, Charlotte Former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy & Public Affairs House International Relations Committee
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“…It's significant I think that 50 of the world leaders with whom we are trying to develop a coalition have been members of and participated in our exchanges over the long number of years that you supported them and we have been able to field them. This kind of liaison experience and dialogue that we set up so long ago is not only going to help us build a coalition but sustain it."
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"Fulbright academic exchanges and other professional exchanges must continue. We are using the contacts we earned over the years with exchanges and scholarships to develop a whole new level of diploma and speaking between moderate Muslims and the United States… We have to be mindful that we are in a long- lived engagement to reach new audiences in different ways."
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Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Current U.S. Secretary of State
United States
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"Always, and especially in the crucible of these global challenges, our overriding duty is to protect and advance America’s security, interests, and values: First, we must keep our people, our nation, and our allies secure. Second, we must promote economic growth and shared prosperity at home and abroad. Finally, we must strengthen America’s position of global leadership – ensuring that we remain a positive force in the world, whether in working to preserve the health of our planet or expanding dignity and opportunity for people on the margins whose progress and prosperity will add to our own."
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Gilman, Benjamin (R-NY) Former Congressman Congress
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“In my years of experience with our nation's foreign policy, I see that the most enduring influence is achieved through our international exchange programs. People-to-people contact - the seeing, doing and interacting - is how we learn to appreciate similarities, differences or other ways of doing things. Exchanges provide forums for new ideas, training opportunities and the chance to build support networks. Professionals, high school students, academics or mid-level government officials all benefit from the experience of interacting with their international counterparts. This exposure to a world outside of one's home country leads to greater understanding, which is particularly important for the emerging democracies where people are looking for a lifeline to secure reforms and freedoms.”
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Goodman, Allan E. President and CEO Institute of International Education
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"Aside from the economic benefits of international education, what we do together contributes directly to making the world safer and more secure."
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"Educational exchange helps make the world safer and more secure."
(Joint statement with Henry Kaufman)
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“Programs that promote the international exchange of people and ideas are the intellectual power lines and thoroughfares of the future. In my view, they are also the surest way of making the world a less dangerous place.”
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Ki-Moon, Ban
Current U.N. Secretary-General
United Nations
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“I continue to work to strengthen the UN's ability to carry out conflict prevention, peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding. By enhancing our capacity for preventive diplomacy and supporting sustainable peace processes, we will build long-term solutions and respond more effectively to conflict.”
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Joyce M. Randolph Executive Director University of Pennsylvania, Office of International Programs
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“Today, we must not be paralyzed, either physically or mentally. Not only must daily
routines be taken up again, but we should also unlock our thinking—to realize that, now more than
ever, it is important, indeed essential, to remain open to the world. Americans and citizens of other
countries would be foolish and unrealistic not to remain ‘on alert.’ But, in the long run, to reach the goals of security and peace and prosperity, an absolutely essential factor is increased international understanding, greater tolerance for other cultures and beliefs, and enhanced familiarity with people who may initially seem uncomfortably foreign.”
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