Center for Global Education Logo
The Center for Global Education promotes international education to foster cross-cultural awareness, cooperation and understanding. Living and working effectively in a global society requires learning with an international perspective.

We promote this type of learning by collaborating with colleges, universities and other organizations around the world.
SAFETI Clearinghouse
Special: Alcohol Awareness for Study Abroad

Please fill out the following form to download the contents of our "Alcohol Awareness" video and administrator and student documents.


Terms of Use:

The Center for Global Education ("CGE") Alcohol Awareness for Study Abroad Video and Student and Administrator Companion Documents have been created as an Academic Curricular Tool by Gary Rhodes, Ph.D and the staff at the Center for Global Education. It is only for your personal, non-commercial use, provided that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original materials and any copies of the materials. You may not modify the materials in any way and only reproduce or publicly display, perform, or distribute or otherwise use them for faculty, staff, and students at your college or university. You may not use these is any other public or commercial use without prior approval by CGE Director Gary Rhodes. The materials at this site are copyrighted and any unauthorized use of any materials may violate copyright, trademark, and other laws. ALL INFORMATION PUBLISHED ON THESE VIDEOS AND FACULTY AND STUDENT DOCUMENTS ARE INTENDED ONLY TO SERVE AS AN ACADEMIC FORUM FOR SHARING RESOURCES TO PROVIDE BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND NOT TO BE USED "AS IS" TO DEVELOP ANY POLICIES, PROCEDURES, OR OTHER RESOURCES.

Disclaimer: Please notify us if the documents or videos seems inappropriate or if the link is inactive. To watch the video, you will need to download the latest version of Apple Quicktime player. Another solution is to download VLC media player. Both multimedia players are free to download and compatible with Windows.

 I have read and accept the Terms of Use.