About International Students Studying in the U.S.

Albright, Madeleine K.
Former Secretary of State
Department of State

"While these initiatives focus on specific areas of expertise, they also improve the climate for respecting basic human rights. In relatively closed societies, IIE programs provide a rare chance to establish outside contact and explore wonderfully dangerous ideas, such as freedom. In transitional countries they provide a means of educating future leaders about the nuts and bolts of democratic institutions. And in every nation they touch, they help open the door of opportunity to minorities and women."

Ashcroft, John
Former U.S. Attorney General
United States

"...we remain committed to welcoming and accommodating those who come to America to study in our universities…allowing foreign students to study here is one of the ways we convey our love of freedom to foreign students who will one day return to their countries and take on leadership positions…"

Goodman, Allan E.
President and CEO
Institute of International Education

"…educational exchange contributes directly to making the world safer and more secure. An educational experience in America, moreover, pays dividends to the nation's public diplomacy over many years. More than 50 of the world leaders called by Former President Bush and Former Secretary Powell to join the coalition fighting terrorism studied in the United States or came to America early in their careers as part of the International Visitors Program which we also assist the Department in administering."

"When more international students are given the chance for meaningful study and opportunities to gain an appreciation of our society, there will be less hatred of America and misunderstanding of our values and way of life. The personal and professional relationships that international students make while they are studying in this country help forge strong bonds with the United States after their return, as they go on to conduct research or do business with their counterparts here, and particularly when they move on to leadership positions in their home countries."

(oint statement with Henry Kaufman)