We promote this type of learning by collaborating with colleges, universities and other organizations around the world.

The Center for Global Education is involved in many local, statewide, regional, national, and international projects that need your support. Below, you will find a list of many formal current projects and their related websites. Under the link to each site is a description of how that site functions within our overall mission statement, and how your support will enable these and other projects to continue to grow and be valuable resources to the field of global education.
Safety Abroad First – Educational Travel Information (SAFETI) Clearinghouse
We are looking for additional funding to maintain existing resources and create new resources to assist U.S. colleges and universities as they develop and expand study abroad opportunities for their students.
Student Study Abroad Safety Handbook
We are looking for funding to develop country-specific study abroad support resources. A sample has been developed for Mexico
Study Abroad: Now More Than Ever
We are looking for funding support to meet with business, political, and educational leaders to obtain additional written statements as well as downloadable video statements to expand the material available on this site. We are also interested in obtaining funding to provide additional research on the outcomes of study abroad and its effects on student participants.
World Wide Colleges and Universities
We are looking for funding support to expand the numbers of colleges and universities available on this site and to expand the amount of information available about the institutions and systems of higher education provided.
We are looking for funding to support an enhancement of on-line bibliographies and abstracts and to acquire both a hard copy and digital collection of the documents that are available through this site.
We are looking for funding to expand this resource for U.S. students studying abroad and international students coming to study in the United States. Sponsors can assist by providing funding for: the salary of the Center Director, Research Assistant(s): Tuition and Stipend(s), Graduate and Undergraduate Student Workers, Web Programmers, Graphic Artists, Resource Developers/Editors, Overhead Costs (Office Space, Materials, Supplies, etc.), Travel, Conferences/Workshops, and/or Publications.
Barriers to Study Abroad in the California Community Colleges
Funding would support expanding outreach efforts to increase the participation of community college students in study abroad programs, with a special goal of reaching out to under-represented students.
Southern California Consortium on International Studies (SOCCIS) Communication
Funding would help expand SOCCIS activities.
California Study Abroad Council
Funding would expand the opportunities of study abroad for college and university students in California; it is critical that outreach activities inform students of all backgrounds, and at an early age, that these programs are available for them.
Project for Learning Abroad, Training, and OutreachThe Project for Learning Abroad, Training and Outreach (PLATO) is an integrated study abroad training, certification, and diversity outreach program. Funding support would allow us to expand the development of GlobalScholar.us (on-line courses for study abroad) and Allabroad.us (diversity outreach for study abroad).